We make the world better through digitalization
We make the world better through digitalization
Dellecod software provides a full range of software
development and digital solution services:
Relying on our expertise, knowledge base and our partner's network we are ready to deliver best in class solutions in the following spheres:
  • Mobile applications
  • Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning
  • BigData and SmartData
  • IoT
Custom software development
  • Audit of a code implemented by other teams
  • Manual and automated frontend testing
  • Frontend and complex JS development (Angular, React and other frameworks)
  • Responsive layout
  • Cross-browser layout
    • Code refactoring and further development
    • Code and architecture audit
      • Middleware development
      • Development of a cross-platform solutions
      • Native iOS/Android development
      Mobile applications
      Mobile applications
      • Audit of a code implemented by other teams
      • Manual and automated frontend testing
      • Frontend and complex JS development (Angular, React and other frameworks)
      • Responsive layout
      • Cross-browser layout
        • Code refactoring
        • Code and architecture audit
        • Architecture design and work with high-load systems
        • Work with DBMS SQL/ No SQL
          • End-to-end integration with third-party services, solutions
            • Software development based on the most popular frameworks
            Outsourcing &
            IT-teams augmentation
            Virtual dedicated software development team
            All functions of outsourcing — from design and development to Devops and user/technical support
            Highly professional IT-resources from almost all continents can be outsourced for your product development
            Contact us:
            General enquiries: distribution@dellecod.com